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Italian cooking: timeless skills and traditions for the future
Traditional Italian home cooking provides the wisdom and skills we need to navigate a world that is increasingly losing touch. Image by...
Nadia Fragnito
Jan 33 min read

Have we romanticised cucina povera?
With a growing social consciousness regarding sustainability and plant-based cuisine, has the term 'cucina povera' become idealised...
Nadia Fragnito
Apr 9, 20243 min read

Staying connected: an act of rebellion
In a world of fast-paced living, technological reliance, dizzying screen time and Thermomixes - how do we stay connected to our human...
Nadia Fragnito
Sep 7, 20233 min read

The gift of slowing down with pasta
It’s no great surprise that I love pasta. But what I love the most about making pasta from scratch is what it can do for you...
Nadia Fragnito
Sep 28, 20222 min read

In memory of Nonna: the heroes we choose
Nonna has been gone for exactly two years today. And her memory feels stronger than ever. I suppose we choose to value who we value, we...
Nadia Fragnito
Jun 26, 20223 min read

How I broke free from the Cult of Thin: YOU are more than a body
We've been brainwashed to have a cult-like mindset. And the cultish lie is this: if you are not slim or if you have put on weight, you...
Nadia Fragnito
Apr 21, 20227 min read

PART 2: 10 important steps to self-publishing your cookbook
In the last blog we started with your theme and getting clear on the ‘why’ of your cookbook. Now it's time to get practical. Let’s get...
Nadia Fragnito
Jan 22, 20226 min read

PART 1: How to create a unique cookbook
It is said that we each have a book within us. Perhaps it's a self-help book, a Mills and Boon romance saga or an anthology of poetry....
Nadia Fragnito
Oct 17, 20214 min read

Honouring your food traditions.
As vegans, we’re not only saying goodbye to the food itself, we’re giving up a seat at a table in which we were once a valued guest of...
Nadia Fragnito
Nov 9, 20202 min read

TRAVEL: Discover Vegan Tuscan Cuisine
What’s not to love about a region that has developed a sustainable approach to its cuisine? In Tuscany, one of the most popular regions...
Nadia Fragnito
Jan 4, 20203 min read

TRAVEL: The real Italy. The real you.
My first trip to Italy was like falling in love. I was besotted. Like an all-consuming crush, I only focused on the things that I wanted...
Nadia Fragnito
Sep 30, 20194 min read

Is there such a thing as Cooking Therapy?
What happens when you cook just because you want to cook? Not because anybody or anything requires it... When my mind starts swirling...
Nadia Fragnito
Sep 21, 20193 min read

TRAVEL: A Hazelnut Love Affair - Piedmont, Northern Italy
This month, I'm visiting northern Italy, in particular the Piedmont (Piemonte) region. So let's explore one of the region's favourite...
Nadia Fragnito
May 28, 20192 min read
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Confessions of a Curvy Woman
I would like you to meet my alter ego Mr Body Shamer. And why he no longer controls my life. As I write this, I’m munching on salted...
Nadia Fragnito
Feb 24, 20194 min read

We are what we eat
The act of eating isn't just a functional transaction. It goes deeper. Much deeper. Here's what I've learned about emotional eating....
Nadia Fragnito
Feb 24, 20194 min read
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Food Pleasure
Discover how memories from our past experiences connect to what we eat and how we eat. For some time now I’ve wondered why food can have...
Nadia Fragnito
Feb 24, 20194 min read

The Journey of the Tomato
It’s prohibition era. Secret stashes of bottled liquid. Precious cargo hiding in windowless rooms. But this contraband doesn’t involve a...
Nadia Fragnito
Feb 24, 20193 min read
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